Tips for living a healthy, vibrant life from one cool cat lady

Not What I Wanted To Hear

Me [walking into beautiful cancer center to meet with radiation oncologist]: “Ooo! What a gorgeous place! I wish I had done my radiation here!”

Universe: “Your wish is my command!”

. . .

Somewhere along this second journey with cancer I was told that I probably wouldn’t need to have radiation since I had already had it once and you can’t have it twice. I put it out of my mind and went about dealing with the surgery.

Today I had what I thought was a quick check-in with the radiation oncologist, fully expecting her to confirm that I would not be having radiation, so when she told me that she wants to start radiation treatment right away, I was quite taken aback.

This is definitely not what I wanted to hear. Apparently, the rogue tumor that has been making its way into my skin is a concern, it is unruly and must be stopped. According to the doctor I met with today, the rough numbers for me are a 50 to 60% chance of recurrence without radiation, and a 10% chance with it.

So the journey continues. I am gathering more info and asking a lot of questions. The doctor who I met with today is closely connected to my already trusted medical team, so she is a great fit if I really do have to do this. She is building a new cancer center in Scottsdale that is focused on a mind-body total wellness approach to treating cancer. It’s breathtaking!

I have my second surgery on Friday to get through first. I will keep you all updated on that and the final decision on radiation. Thank you for all the continued good wishes.

And finally, please, be very, very careful what you wish for!

11 thoughts on “Not What I Wanted To Hear”

  • Life can sometimes really smack you just when you don’t expect it but I hope this is a short-run radiation. A bit disappointing but given your outlook, I think you’ll come through this with flying colors! You mentioned the center in Scottsdale – I didn’t know you were here in Arizona! I am in Cave Creek and I am NOT KIDDING when I tell you that if you need ANYTHING – someone to bring you some food (I’m a vegan and a decent cook!), or just need someone to drive you, accompany you, I’m more than willing – all you have to do is ask! You’re blog is uplifting, you have a great attitude and as a slave to 3 cats, I can use the break….. 😉 Thank you for the update – you got this!

  • Kate, I am so glad you are keeping us informed about your progress. You are an inspiration to me, always have been. I enjoy your unique talents; creativity, work ethic and upbeat mentality. I hope your loved ones, including your cats are giving you lots of TLC. Positive thoughts are streaming your way.

  • Kate, Continuing to send you positive, healing thoughts!! I am soooo glad that you have a great team around you! You are in my thoughts every day! Thank you for being so open and sharing this journey with us, and know that you are supported by all!

  • Fuck. Just keep at it, Kate. Some times you gotta just keep kicking it back down until it goes the fuck away. Stay strong. We’re with you, sending love and cancer-killing-joo-joo-energy! YOU CAN DO THIS! xoxoxoxoxo!

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